L3 Surface Soil Moisture
The Level 3 (L3) soil moisture products v3 are generated from applying a quality filtering and binning to the swath-based Level 2 (L2) soil moisture User Data Product (UDP) v650 from the European Space Agency (ESA). Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
Global surface soil moisture EASE-2 grid (25 km)
These products correspond to the spatial average of the L2 soil moisture measurements in the Equal Area Scalable Earth (EASE)-2 grid of 25 km. They have different temporal averaging periods (and generation rates).
- 1-day map (daily)
- 3-days map (daily)
- 9-days maps (every 3 days)
- 1-monthly map (monthly)
- 1-year product (yearly)
Related documents
- Products description: BEC_SMOS-PD_SM_L3v4_L4v6.pdf