We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest version (v3.1) of the Arctic SMOS Sea Surface Salinity product produced at BEC. This new improved SMOS Sea Surface Salinity product specific for the Arctic region has been created under the funded ESA project ITT Arctic+Salinity AO/1-9158/18/I-BG.

One of the main advantage of this new product with respect to the previous Arctic SSS v2 product (described in Olmedo et al., 2018) is the great improvement in the spatial resolution, permitting to better monitor the meso-scales structures, and the river discharge.

The product is distributed with the following specifications:
- Spatial resolution: 25 Km
- GRID: EASE-Grid 2.0
- Temporal resolution:
- 3 days
- 9 days
- 18 days
- Maps frequency: daily
- Period: 2011- 2019
- Product format: NetCDF files
A detailed explanation of the product algorithms and validation can be found in BEC SMOS SSS Arctic Product Description document (link). Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any question or comment at smos-bec@icm.csic.es. Your feedback is most welcome!
The v2 (old version) of the Arctic SSS product is stored at BEC facilities. You could request it if you need it.
Enjoy the products
The BEC team
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