New release of global SMOS soil moisture products at BEC

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near real-time global SMOS L3 soil moisture products v003. These products have different averaging periods (and frequency rates): 1-day (daily) maps in both ISEA 4H9 and EASE-2 25 km, and 3-day (daily), 9-day (every 3 days), 1-month (monthly) and 1-year (yearly) maps in EASE-2 25 km. All of them have been generated using the latest version of SMOS L2 soil moisture processor (v650, which supersedes the previous L2 v620). The main improvements of v650 are related to algorithm updates, parameters configuration and auxiliary files changes.

A general vision of all near real-time L3 soil moisture products served is available at land datasets page. Additionally, a detailed description of the methodology followed to generate these products can be found in the BEC Land Products Description. These near real-time products can be downloaded (after free registration) from our thredds server. Also an on-line map browser is available.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any question or comment at Your feedback is most welcome!

Enjoy the products!

BEC team