Mediterranean and North Atlantic SMOS SSS maps V2.0
SSS maps in the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic are computed at BEC using a new methodological approach to cope with land and RFI contamination.
Two different products are generated
Objective analysed data
Daily map of 9-day objective analyzed data in a rectangular grid at 0.25º resolution, from 2011 to 2016. For ascending and descending orbits.
Fused data
Daily fused with OSTIA SST maps in a rectangular grid at 0.05o resolution, from 2011 to 2016
These maps have been validated with near-surface measurements provided by Argo profilers, which allow us to define several quality metrics.
Related documents
- Article: Olmedo et al, “Improving SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Western Mediterranean Sea through Multivariate and Multifractal Analysis” Remote Sens. 2018, 10(3), 485; doi:10.3390/rs10030485
- Data Description and Quality report: BEC-SMOS-0003-PD-SSS-MED.pdf